The Peacemaker

Joel 3:10, Micah 4:3

In Joel, the Lord tells the nations to prepare for judgment and war. Verse 10 tells us that in this war the plows will be made into swords and pruning knives into spears; however, in Micah, we see a day where the swords are restored to plows, as the Lord brings peace to us. On this day, the nations will cease their fighting, and there will finally be true rest and peace. This is a day our hearts long for. God is a god of peace, who made us to be people of peace. 

How will this peace come? We feel the tension and conflict in our world today–each nation has armies with “swords” at the ready.  Peace will come fully through Jesus. He is the one who gives His peace to us (John 14:27) and who says that peacemakers will be called sons of God (Matthew 5). He will fully defeat sin and death, and will bring us into a restored heavens and earth where peace will reign eternally. For now, we experience the peace that is a fruit of living in the Spirit, but we look forward with longing to the day when peace will rule and reign forever.


Lord, let your peace come soon!

Question to consider:

What does it look like today to live in the peace Jesus has given you?


The Message


The Seeker