The Seeker
Hosea 1-3
For Hosea to marry a prostitute comes with more strings attached than what we see on the surface. God didn’t tell Hosea to go find a retired or previously employed prostitute to wed, it was present tense. This would mean that more than likely even after he wed Gomer, she would continue the same lifestyle. As we continue to read, we see that sure enough, she did just that. And if that wasn’t enough, God sent Hosea after her again and Hosea bought her back for himself. In other words, not only was Gomer not worthy of Hosea’s love to begin with, but even after their marriage, when she turned her back on him, he still pursued her.
The faithful and unwavering love and pursuit of us by God should leave us completely humbled. Not only did we not deserve His love in the first place when He sent Jesus to die for us, but He did it knowing that we would reject, deny, disobey, neglect, and be straight up ungrateful for this sacrifice as we continued to sin against Him. But just like God told Hosea to pursue Gomer, Jesus pursues us faithfully based on his character, not ours.
Father, Thank you for your unwavering love and pursuit of us even when we don’t deserve it and repetitively sin against you. Please take this sin (be specific) that I’m hiding from you and deliver me from it. Give me the strength to overcome it in the future, knowing that you are with me so that I might not sin against you!
Question to consider:
What sin in your life are you hiding from God? What are you afraid to confess? He already knows and He’s still seeking you! Acts 17:27 says: “Yet he is actually not far from each one of us…” So turn around and receive him!