The Message

Jonah 3:10

Even though Nineveh is considered a “great city” by the ancient world, God sees the evil in Nineveh and tells Jonah to take His message against them. Although Jonah attempts to flee this call from God, ending up on an infamous (or in-fish-mous) detour, he eventually tells the people of Nineveh that they will be overthrown. The people of Nineveh hear Jonah, believe God’s word against them, and turn away from their evil and violence. In response to their repentance, God is compassionate and does not bring disaster upon the city.

When Jesus starts His ministry, He also has a message from God, but this time it is not just for Nineveh. Jesus lets everyone know His message in Mark 1:13-14: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent and believe in the gospel.” Along with this greater message, Jesus also has a greater sign for us than Jonah in the cross and the resurrection (Matthew 12). Jesus made a way for us to be called into the Kingdom of God by His life, His death, and His empty tomb. This is such good news for us because we can repent and believe in Jesus who saves.


God, remind us of your compassion and help us to see our sins and bring them to the light.

Question to consider:

Are there any ways you see God calling you to obedience? Are there any ways He is calling you to repentance?


The Suffering


The Peacemaker