The Law

Leviticus 1

In Leviticus, we see the Law outline a need for the people of Israel to sacrifice, which was shocking, bloody, and costly. What is the need for sacrifice? The author of Hebrews gives a summary: “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” (Hebrews 9:22) The Law required perfection, which no human could attain. All sinned and broke the law, which meant they required a sacrifice to be forgiven. The Law that was broken in sin outlines how they could experience relief from sin through a sacrifice for sin. The story of sin is a sad story - separating us from God. The story of sin is a serious story - requiring sacrificial shedding of blood for forgiveness. Forgiveness is bloody. Sin is costly. 

The story of sin is a sad story with a shocking ending. Christ comes, fully God and fully man to be our sacrifice. The shocking ending is that the Giver of The Law would be the One who would satisfy the requirements of The Law through His own perfect life and offer everlasting forgiveness by being the sacrifice for our sin. His costly blood is shed on a cross so that all who trust in him might be forgiven (Hebrews 10:19-22). Where our sin once separated us and kept us far off, one who perfectly kept The Law and all righteousness has come. Christ had no sin and needed no sacrifice, instead becoming the sacrifice we who have sinned ultimately needed so we might be forgiven and, through Christ, draw near to God. 


Jesus thank you for being our sacrifice. Thank you for forgiving us of our sin and giving us your righteousness before God. 

Question to Consider:

What does the cost of the blood of Jesus shed for you mean for you? How could weighing the cost of His sacrifice for you bring you to a place where you worship him? 


The Lamb


The Tabernacle