The Lamb
Leviticus 16:1-4
On the Day of Atonement, only the high priest could perform the sacrifice. He would have to bring a sin offering and burnt offering for himself, before beginning an additional sacrifice on behalf of the people. This process (and the number of animals sacrificed) required an incredible amount of labor for the high priest. All of this to atone for the sins of the priests and the people to be “at one” with God. Leviticus 16 shows that the people of Israel could not approach God in His dwelling place without a high priest and several sacrifices between their sinful hearts and His righteous heart. The Day of Atonement was filled with reverence, repentance, and blood spilled as payment for Israel’s sin.
While difficult to read, we can rest knowing that the Day of Atonement would ultimately point to Jesus, who would be our sacrifice, using His blood to pay for our sin. We are not coming to God apart from a blood sacrifice, for it is the blood that makes the atonement. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). There is no way that we as sinners can have fellowship and “be one” with God until our sin issue is dealt with. Jesus Christ dealt with that sin on the cross and made a way for us to come to God through His sacrifice cleansing our sins.
Father, forgive me for my sin. Thank you for salvation through your son Jesus Christ who shed His blood on the cross and rose again that I may be saved.
Question to consider:
Am I living a life that is still bound by my sin, or one that reflects the inner joy of having my sins washed away by Jesus?