The Tabernacle
Exodus 40
Because God is holy and can not be in the presence of sin the only way He could come to dwell with His chosen people was for them to build a mobile temple or tabernacle they would set up wherever they went. The presence of God in this exodus account would fill the tabernacle and the people would wait on God to decide when to pick up the tent and move. If the presence of God stayed in a spot for a while God’s people would stay. If the presence of God moved this people would move. Their entire lives were informed by the presence of God and they would actively wait for God to move before they would go to the next place.
Our sin separates us from the kind of relationship we were supposed to have with God the Father. We see an interesting moment in Exodus 40:35: “Moses was unable to enter…” He is unable to enter due to the sin of the nation. There is separation due to sin—but God has a plan to right our wrongs so that we can be in his presence. God the Father sent His only and perfect Son Jesus Christ to come and live the perfect life we could not live. He is tested the same way that Adam and Eve were in the garden but not sin, and take the punishment of our sins in His death on the cross. Because of Christ’s obedience and His victory over death, sin, and the grave we now have an eternal hope of dwelling in his presence for eternity. We not only get to experience His presence after this life but now every believer has the Holy Spirit, the very presence of God, living in us and interceding on our behalf.
Thank you God that we no longer need a tabernacle in order to be in your presence but that because of Jesus we now have the Holy Spirit who hears us, ministers to us, teaches us. Thank you for making a way to redeem us from our sin.
Question to consider:
When was the last time you longed or were thankful to be in the presence of God? What does it look like for you to wait on God?