The Family

Exodus 12:38

Amidst the familiar story of the exodus, verse 38 shares with us a piece of God’s heart and his plan that in a quick reading, we may “pass-over” (no pun intended).  God’s promise to bless the nations through Abraham and his descendents was already beginning to see its fulfillment. “A mixed multitude” refers to an ethnically diverse group of people that were not descended from Abraham, but saw Yahweh’s miraculous work while living alongside them in Egypt and decided that life believing in Him and living among His people was their best hope. They had a faith in God by which they were ready to follow Him into the wilderness, and God mercifully allowed them to step into His blessing.

Today, in Christ, we see this promise being fulfilled as many around the globe worship Him. Christ’s death and resurrection are an invitation to all, everywhere, to know God. Just as the mixed multitude joined the Israelites to follow God, God continues now to use his followers to build his international family. We can look forward to the new heavens and earth, where every tribe, tongue and nation will join in His praise. God is faithful to His promise, and draws us to Himself and one another across all cultural, political, ethnic, and economic divides.


Father, thank you for your faithfulness to care for all nations, even since the exodus.

Question to consider:

What role has God given you in building his international family? Who might you encounter today that needs the hope of our faithful God?


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