The Bush

Exodus 3: 7, 14

I AM WHO I AM. The definitive, declarative, name of God given to Moses in Exodus 3. The God who called out a people for His own possession has heard their cries and come down to rescue them. His plan of rescue, Moses: a shepherd, hiding in the wilderness because he was a murderer. Moses had run away and found his own freedom, and had left his people behind in chains—but the I AM had not turned away from His people or ignored their cries. The I Am had a plan for his people’s salvation, and He would accomplish it through unlikely means in his servant Moses.

Fast Forward some 2000 years to Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Jesus, often found in the wilderness, not hiding, but to be with His Father. Jesus, completely innocent, but willing to be murdered on the cross in our place. Jesus, who would leave His place of comfort not to distance himself from suffering, but to enter into the middle of it. Jesus who would also introduce himself as I AM… 

… the Bread of Life (John 6)

… the Light of the World (John 8)

… the Gate (John 10)

… the Good Shepherd (John 10)

… the Resurrection and the Life (John 11)

… the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14)

… the True Vine (John 15)

In Jesus, God once again has a plan for his people’s salvation and redemption—and he will accomplish it through unlikely means. 


God thank you that you are the I AM, the Good Shepherd, and my God. Come down to rescue me and to help me to bring your message of rescue to others.

Question to consider:

How could God use you in his plan of salvation for those around you? What parts of your life are you tempted to think disqualifies you from being used by God? 


The Family


The Hearing