The Deliverance
Exodus 14
If only we could see what the Israelites saw. If only we could watch a flowing sea rush towards the heavens, becoming literal walls, opening up the only way to freedom. If only we could see with our eyes a seashore covered with our enemies, proof that the Lord was, and is, on our side. They needed only to be silent, and the Lord would fight for them. He would be their only deliverance. The Israelites got to taste and tangibly see that the Lord is good.
Oftentimes when we are stuck in cycles of sin and see no way out, we first try fighting for ourselves, to be our own deliverers. Like the Isrealites, filled with fear, thinking they knew a better way, we can cling so close to weight and sin that we neglect looking to Jesus, where our only true victory and freedom lie.
We don’t get to observe a sea open up, but we do get to see our glorious Savior, who lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and rose again, overcoming the grave. This is finished, final, overcoming, delivering work. He does it, not us. We need only to believe and trust that he is faithful.
Lord, help us to see Jesus as the only true way to deliverance, to sit with you in silence and gaze upon your beautiful sacrifice for our freedom.
Question to consider: Where is an area in your life that you’ve not trusted God to deliver you from? Where has fear kept you enslaved to sin?