SUNDAY - My Father
Matthew 26:39
“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father…”
Jesus’ prayer begins like it so often did: “My Father.” He walked in unity with God throughout his incarnation as he taught, healed, and walked toward the cross. In his greatest moment of pain and need, Jesus falls on his face and cries out to the Father again. Picture it: the Son of Man lays his heart bare with the Father about the plan they worked out together even as his soul recoils in horror at what’s to come.
In your pain and sorrow, where do you turn? Relationships? Distraction? Isolation? As we walk through the tension of a God who is in control, who loves us, and who allows us to walk through pain and suffering, we look to Jesus in these moments. He is the perfect example, but more than that he is proof that our pain is not meaningless and our prayers do not go unheard - even if we don’t get the answer we wanted. Alongside Jesus, pray through whatever is before you with the words “My father…”
My father, thank you that you see me, know me, and understand what I’m going through. Please show me your heart, even when I can’t see your hand.
Question to consider:
Is there something you’ve been turning to in your pain and sorrow? Consider how you’ve handled these moments. What steps can you take to focus your gaze on the Father?