The Mountain

Exodus 19:21 

At this point, the Israelites have been out for Egypt for a couple of  months. They found themselves at the base of Mount Sinai, where  God appeared to Moses. God instructed Moses to tell the people  to prepare for Him to come and dwell with His people in a thick  cloud. They were instructed to perform speciic puriication rituals  in order to be clean and also create physical boundaries that would  protect them from being in the direct presence of the Lord. God  warned Moses many times that if the Israelites broke the boundary  they would be destroyed. This is a reminder to us of the glory of  God and the chasm that separates sinners from God. 

In God’s sorrow, the kindest thing that He could have done in  the Garden of Eden was to send Adam and Eve away from His  holy presence. Apart from this act of grace Adam and Eve (and  generations to follow) would never have had the chance to be  reunited with God. God made a sacriice to cover Adam and Eve  as they let the garden, and He made the ultimate sacriice by  sending His Son, Jesus to live a perfect life. He died the death that  we deserved in order that He would crush the head of the serpent  so that the chasm between sinners and God could be illed. The  veil has been torn allowing those who are in Christ to dwell in the  presence of our Holy God. 

God, I praise you for making a way for the chasm to be illed. Your  kindness and grace is unwavering. 

Question to consider: 
How do you view the weight of God’s glory?


The Commandments


SUNDAY - My Father