SUNDAY - Sorrowful, even to death
Matt 26:38
38 Then he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death…
Jesus, God in flesh, the source of light and life and love for the universe, finds himself so weighed down by the suffering in front of him that he feels like he has to share these moments with his friends. Imagine it for a moment - the author of life sorrowful to death. It would be unbelievable if he hadn’t told us this himself. Death was against his nature, the essence of his being, but this was the plan he chose to walk in.
As we walk through both the sorrows of life and this season of Lent, we walk alongside Jesus, the one Isaiah called the man of sorrows who was acquainted with our grief. He knows the fear of death and the pains of life. He knows what it is to weep and mourn. He knows what it is to live in the tension of hope coming down the road, while pain, sorrow, and grief are right in front of him. He willingly walked this path so we could have a sure hope with him beyond the sorrows of today.
Jesus, thank you for knowing my sorrow and pain. You don’t stand far off, but you’ve drawn me near through your death and resurrection.
Question to consider:
What sadness, pain, or fear do you need to bring to Jesus today? Where do you need to remember he can understand what you’re going through?