The Ram

Genesis 22

In this passage,  Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his beloved son, the very symbol of all God’s promises to him. Abraham must have been filled with a learned, deep trust in God that carried him to the land of Moriah and to the altar where he was prepared to offer his son; yet, as Abraham moved forward in faith, God mercifully stopped him. He lifted Abraham’s head to see the ram caught in the thicket. God provided a way. Our God is kind and merciful, providing for all our needs. Think about the ways that the Lord has provided for your needs, and praise him today. 

Also, as we read this passage, another Father and Son should come to mind. Another sacrifice. Another provision of God. God the Father sends his son, Jesus, to earth; yet, as we look at Christ, we see God doing what He held Abraham back from doing–He sacrificed His Son in order to provide a way for us to know Him. Our God provided sinners with a way to escape death, and live with Him forever through our faith in His Son, who took on the punishment we deserved.


God, thank you for providing Christ, the sacrificial ram. 

Question to consider:

What does it mean to you today that God provided his Son as a sacrifice for you?


SUNDAY - Sorrowful, even to death


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