The Trade

Genesis 44:33

Today, we find ourselves in the middle of the story of Joseph. Judah and his brothers have returned to Egypt with Benjamin, their youngest brother, per Joseph’s request. Upon their arrival Joseph is overcome with emotion by the sight of his younger brother, Benjamin. The following day as the brothers were getting ready to leave to go home, the palace manager was instructed to place Joseph’s silver cup in Benjamin’s bag. As they left, Joseph commanded that the manager go after them and bring back one who stole the cup. To the brothers’ surprise the silver cup was found in Benjamin’s bag. Judah, the one who failed his younger brother Joseph years ago (Genesis 37), now pleads to take the place of his brother, Benjamin.

It is evident that God has shaped and humbled the heart of Judah and led him to repentance through all he had endured. Judah was the brother that originally advocated killing his brother Joseph, and now he is offering to take the place of his brother, Benjamin. This is a foreshadowing of what Christ would do. Judah, a flawed man, showed remarkable love for his brother by offering to take his place. How much more does Jesus, who is perfect in every way, love us by standing in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved in order that we may be reunited with our Father.


Jesus, thank you for your steadfast love and willingness to stand in our place. Help me to daily remember the cost of my salvation. 

Question to consider:

In what ways have you (or are you currently still) striving for your salvation? Spend some time thanking God for all that He has done for you and ask Him to help you in your unbelief. 


The Relief


SUNDAY - Sorrowful, even to death