
Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord is with us. His love quiets our hearts and our fears, and we get to rest in His strength and His might. It is often easy to let the world around us get loud and distract us from God, but this verse invites us to sit in the delight that He sings over us. His nearness and gladness show how the love of the Lord is different from any approval or care found in the world.

A “mighty one who will save” performed the ultimate act of love by giving His life. Our Savior loves us when we are undeserving of His love, which has given us a new way to be near to the Father. With Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave, we have been granted the opportunity to have the Lord’s presence within us through the Holy Spirit. With Him, we can forever be near to God.


Lord, remind me of your love for me shown through the sacrifice of your one and only son on the cross.

Question to consider:

How do you need to allow the Lord’s love and calming presence into your life today?

Doxa Church