Ephesians 3:14-19
Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is rich. It takes a few reads to even understand all that he’s saying. Verse 18 is striking—Paul is praying that we would have strength to comprehend the extent of what? God’s sovereignty? Majesty? Glory? Power? No, though all those are amazing. It’s His love, shown through Christ.
The surprise of the incarnation is not that God was strong enough to do it— he spoke existence into being. He can do anything. No, the surprise is that God would show his tender love to creation by becoming like us in order to redeem us, making us a people “rooted and grounded in love”. The God of the universe set a plan in motion from the beginning of time to make you a person rooted and grounded in His love, like a plant flourishing and bearing fruit.
What’s the goal of this? In Paul’s prayer it’s for us to be filled with the fullness of God. The love we experienced in Christ’s coming is just the first taste of the love God has for us as He makes his home in us and with us forever. Jesus came in love as a baby so that we could come to him and be filled with his love now and forever.
Jesus, today would you help me understand more of the breadth and length and height and depth of your love? As I look to your first coming, would you help me be rooted and grounded in your love as you dwell in my heart through faith?
Question to consider:
Have you thought about Christ’s love lately? Have you prayed for God to help you understand and experience it more? If not, why not?