John 3:16
John 3:16 is probably the best known verse in the Bible. We hear and see this verse quoted time and time again—on signs, cards, posters, billboards, t-shirts and even at football games. With the frequency of seeing this verse, we might be tempted to read it quickly and move on or skip it altogether. But these words should never become overly familiar to us. This verse tells us why Christ came to Earth! It is the hope and promise of the Christian life.
John 3:16 shows us the sacrificial love of a Father. God willingly sacrificed the One He loves most for our sake. In loving generosity, He offered His Son and chose to be separated from Him, sending Him into a broken, dysfunctional world. Jesus did not resist being sent, although he could have. He came to earth and lived a perfect life and died a gruesome and painful death for our sin, rebellion, and disobedience, not His own. He did this so we would not perish under the curse of death, but would have eternal life with Him and His father forever. Because of this, Christ’s perfect obedience is credited to our account, not because of anything we have done, but solely because of what Christ did on the cross!
God’s love secured our salvation and eternal destiny. It truly is beyond our understanding. It seems too good to be true. But it isn’t. God’s love for us through Christ is that good, that strong, and that generous!
Lord, help us to believe your love is truly that good!
Question to consider:
How does this sacrificial and generous love of God strengthen your faith in the midst of hardship and pain?