Psalm 98
Joy is such an easy thing to forget. Have you noticed that? One moment, our hands are lifted in worship of our Father in Heaven who withholds no good thing from us, and the next, we’re in the parking lot thinking of all the ways our lives could be… better. Friends, Psalm 98 reminds us that we have a reason to be joyful in every season and circumstance. Consider Mary’s words in Luke 1:46-55. Mary had every reason to fear whether anyone would believe what she knew to be true of the baby in her womb. Despite all the unknowns, Mary chose joy.
When our hearts are heavy and we’re overwhelmed by the brokenness of our world, we still rejoice in our God, because He is still good. So good that He sent His only son to be with us, to defeat death on our behalf, and to make a way for us to live eternally with Him. As the body of Christ, we have the incredible privilege of reminding our brothers and sisters of the good news of the gospel, bringing joy to their hearts and our own. Joy to the world! The Lord is come!
Lord, thank you for giving me a reason to sing. Help me seek joy today.
Question to consider:
What would it look like for you to spend just one minute every day dwelling on all the reasons you have to be joyful? How could this practice change your heart?