The Split

1 Kings 12

In our story today, we have two imperfect kings- King Rehoboam (we’ll call him “Rey”) and King Jeroboam (let’s use “Jerry”). First, we have Rey, the son of Solomon. Naive to his own arrogance, Rey refuses to lighten the workload and economic burdens placed on the people of Israel by his father. As a result, Israel divides. The ten tribes of the north (Israel) now elect King Jerry to rule and the two tribes of the south (Judah and Benjamin) remain under King Rey. Jerry, driven by fear of losing his power, sets up altars, golden calves and temples, appoints non-Levite priests, establishes his own days for feasts and sacrifices- all without any regard for God. Fear leads Jerry to rely on his own efforts, not on the Lord.

Through the division of Israel, arrogance of Rey, and fear-driven rule of Jerry, God is still in control. Although the Israelites can’t yet see, this is all a part of God’s redemption story. God, being rich in mercy, will send His son, Jesus- who fulfills every need and brings unity for all God's children. Finally, a perfect king! 

We must also remember that this perfect king must give His life on the cross for the complete forgiveness of our sins and the defeat of death itself. Even in the sorrow of a perfect king on a criminal's cross, there is hope in the promise of redemption.

God help me see the ways I often turn from you.

Question to consider:

When you have a decision to make, do you go to God first for wisdom? When you experience fear, do you ask God to fulfill your need for protection? How can we look to Jesus, rather than anything else we may turn to?


The Exile


The Temple