The Exile

Psalm 137

Israel is in Babylonian captivity and in exile from their home. Jerusalem, also known as Zion (a hill in Jerusalem), has been overtaken and mostly destroyed and the people of Israel are feeling hopeless and longing to be back home where life was easy and good. They are remembering better times and crying out that God would save them and destroy the Babylonians. The Israelites ultimately are longing to be restored. But why has God allowed Jerusalem to be exiled? The whole reason God sent the prophets was to warn the people of God to stop turning from God and to stop sinning. However, they continued to rebel against God and not listen—so God allowed them to be defeated and exiled so they might feel the weight of their sin and turn back to God.

In the same way, we as a collective and as individuals are exiled and separated from God apart from Christ because of our sin. The only way that we are able to be restored again is through the movement of God the Father in sending His Son to suffer and die in our place. Jesus received the punishment of exile and death from the Father for us so that we could once and for all come home to the Father, restored and unmarked by sin. This is the work of God - “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)


God thank you for your correction of sin so that we may be led back to the right relationship with you. Thank you for Jesus and how you chose to save us through his death and resurrection, so that we are not defined by our sin. Help us to strive to combat sin and recognize the beauty of your presence like the Isrealites thought of Zion, that we would long to be with you in your presence, and that the idea of sinning would be ridiculous. 

Question to consider:

Have you stopped and considered what your life without Christ would look, both in relationship to God and in our daily lives?


SUNDAY - Not as I will, but as you will


The Split