Merry Christmas!

Jesus came for you and me - the savior of the world!

With the classic hymn we sing “joy to the world! The Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing!”

As you celebrate Christmas, whether with family and friends or on your own, consider these responses and opportunities to rejoice in the coming of our King:

  • Read Luke 2:1-21

  • What hope, joy, and peace do you see in this passage?

  • Who can you pray for today, that they would experience and accept the gift of Christ as king?

  • Who is another believer that can you celebrate with, whether in person or over a text or call, and share the joy of Christ coming? Take a moment, connect with them, and share what God has been doing in your life this advent season.

  • What is one aspect of this advent season you can take with you in the days to come? Is it an insight? A prayer? A question? A new perspective?

Thanks for reading, and Merry Christmas!

Doxa Church