Luke 2:13-14
Passages with angels pop up all over the Scriptures. They are classically understood to be supernatural messengers, ministering to the people of God for their strength and endurance (see Hebrews 1:14). In our text today, we see the joy of the angels on display. Across the silent night, a chorus of angels breaks into our reality for a moment. With all of their angelic might and multitude, they praise, because the Christ who has come—the One we have been waiting for—is the One they have been waiting for. They pronounce His praise as they announce His coming.
The glory is ascribed to God. This is the overflow response to the God who keeps His promises: we see Him keep His promises, and we respond with joy. We respond with joy because of the depravity of what we have been rescued from. The Messiah has come to save the people who were wandering and lost—to save us as we were wandering and lost in our sin. And when the angels saw the Christ coming, they saw salvation coming to the world, and they rejoiced. We turn our attention to this Christ who has come, and rejoice—our salvation has come, and with Him has come peace.
God, help me to see Christ and what it means that he has come. Help my response to be joy as I understand what it means that I have been saved from my sin. God, restore to me the joy of my salvation.
Question to consider:
Where is your attention turned from Christ? What would it look like to praise Jesus from a place of joy in what He has done?