
Luke 2:11-12

The Son of God has come, He is here, the Savior of the world is born! And who should be given this news first? Surely this glorious and triumphant birth announcement has made its way up the steps of the palace to the nobility and rulers, or to the religiously devout worshiping at the temple, or maybe to the brightest minds and thinkers of the time? Not so. Instead, we find God directing thousands of his angels to humble and hardworking shepherds, faithfully tending to their flocks, awake in the late watch of the night as they diligently care for their sheep.

This child that has been born is a Savior who has come for the humble, the weak, and the unimpressive. He is a Savior for all people, and it is demonstrated through these shepherds, the unlikely ones, invited to get the first glimpse of their Good Shepherd. The Hope of this season for the shepherds and for us is the invitation to come and worship the one who cares and tends to souls, the one who in the late watches of the night is still interceding on our behalf, and the one who faithfully provides for all of our needs—from the smallest of our daily troubles, to the salvation of our souls.


God, thank you for bringing your news of hope to unlikely places, including my own heart.

Question to consider:

Where do you need the leading of the Good Shepherd in your life this season?

Doxa Church