
Luke 1:43

“And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” With this simple question, Mary’s cousin Elizabeth speaks into the room something that Mary had been told but hadn’t yet been able to share with the world around her. In Luke’s account of Jesus’ life, this conversation is the next scene after Mary meets Gabriel. What do you think happened in her heart when she heard Elizabeth say those words, “the mother of my Lord”? Did her heart jump inside of her? Did she get goosebumps? Maybe it put to rest any doubts or fears she had—this personal, private miracle of a baby in her womb becoming public before his birth. Mary had been told Jesus would reign, and she hoped it was true, but imagine how that truth settled into her soul when she heard it again from such an unexpected place. Luke tells us she overflowed into a song of praise: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…”

As we look towards Christmas together, consider the unexpected Lordship of Jesus. Fix your hope on his reign as Lord. Let your heart rejoice with Mary as we remember Jesus’ birth and wait for his return.


Jesus, you are Lord! You are the one we fix our hope on today. Teach me to sing with Mary about your first coming, and long with hope for your return.

Question to consider:

Where is Jesus inviting you to experience Him as Lord? Is there something you need to surrender to him in order to more fully experience the joyful hope of his coming?

Doxa Church