The Hometown
Micah 5
Micah was a prophet of God warning of the destruction that was coming because of Israel’s disobedience. But out of this destruction there is a future hope in a future ruler. In verse two, we see Micah talk about how “out of Bethlehem” will come someone who will be the ruler of Israel. It says “whose coming forth is from old, from ancient days.” Micah is prophesying about the coming Messiah, who would be both God and man. This chapter is seen as one of the most important prophecies in the Old Testament as it reconciles Jesus’s human birth with His existence in eternity. This passage also gives us a glimpse into what this Messiah will be like and how he will rule. This future ruler would bring peace and restore Israel.
The awesome truth of this prophecy is that we can see God’s heart in the coming of Christ. Not to destroy and bring chaos and division but—as we read in verse 5—to be their peace. Christ is the fulfillment of the serpent crusher spoken of in Genesis 3. Jesus is the one who has come to defeat satan, death, and sin. Jesus was with God in the beginning and he condescended into humanity in order to right what was wrong. He is both man (born to Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem) to reach us and God (the eternal, Ancient of Days) to save us and be our peace.
God thank you for sending Christ to bring peace and reconciliation between humankind and yourself. Thank you for redeeming us and bringing us into your family. And that we would worship you in light of all that you’ve done for us.
Question to consider:
How do you daily allow Jesus and the Gospel to be your peace?