The Cycle

Judges 3

After God rescued Israel from Egypt, He made a covenant with them (recorded in Deuteronomy 7:6). Despite the Lord’s faithfulness to them, the Israelites often chose to reject God. In Judges we see a repeated cycle: Israel sins by not obeying God’s command to drive out the inhabitants of the promised land → Israel starts to adopt the ways of the inhabitants of the land in direct opposition to God’s command → Israel experiencing oppression by the inhabitants of the land → Israel repents of their sin and God sends a Judge as a deliverer → peace reigns for a period of time, but upon the death of the judge the cycle repeats. 

In Judges 3, Israel chooses to intermarry with nations God commanded them not to and worships other gods. Much like Israel, we often live in direct opposition to God. We think we know what is best despite how He has proven throughout history that His ways are higher and better than our ways. In love, God sent Jesus, His beloved Son, to break the cycle. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection a new covenant was made. Jesus was the once and for all sacrifice necessary to redeem God’s people. This new covenant made eternal life with God available to anyone who would repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus. 


Father, forgive us for our rejection of You and Your ways. Thank You for Your grace and mercy lavished on us through Jesus. Help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to obey You and Your ways for Your way is always better.

Question to Consider:

In what ways have you rejected the ways of God? How have you seen Him transform your desires to obey Him more?


The Desire


SUNDAY - This Cup