Holy Saturday
Psalm 13
It has been over two thousand years since Christ ascended to Heaven, promising he would return and make all things new. Two thousand years. We know what it means to wait. Imagine for a moment what it felt like for the apostles to wait on that first Holy Saturday. The light of the world seemingly extinguished, leaving them confused, scared, and heartbroken. Their Messiah was dead and hidden away in a tomb. Praise God that was not where the story ended! Just as the disciples rejoiced at the sight of their Savior, alive and victorious, we rejoice not only in the salvation we experience today, but also in what’s to come: that final day when Jesus returns, in all of his glory, bringing with Him a new Heaven and a New Earth.
Revelation 21:4 says that on that day “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” When was the last time you thought about what awaits us on the other side of Heaven? About what it will mean to live a life without fear or envy, suffering or sorrow? As we prepare to raise our voices in praise this Resurrection Sunday, let us also rejoice in our hope for what is yet to be: an eternity dwelling with God, the Father.
God, help us to wait with joy in our hearts until that final day when Your kingdom comes and Your will is done.
Question to consider:
What does the empty tomb mean to you? Where have you seen God fulfill His promises in your life?