Ambush Tuesday
Matthew 21:18-27
Jesus was returning to Jerusalem and on His way He grew hungry. As He was walking He came across a fig tree that was full of leaves, but bore no fruit. In that moment He cursed the tree and it withered. This is one of the two destructive miracles that Jesus performed during His ministry. The disciples were amazed at what Jesus had done—and the strength of their amazement would only be matched by the severity of the Pharisees ambush. The Pharisees ambush Jesus with questions to test Him–they were so concerned with rituals and regulations and protecting their power, that they failed to produce real fruit. They had all the knowledge, but lacked faith in the Lord. The Pharisees lack of faith is evident when they ambush Jesus in the temple inquiring about who gave Him authority to speak such things.
Jesus’ response to the Pharisees caused them to have to make a decision between answering rightly or saving face in front of the crowds. The Pharisees were more concerned with outward appearances than their inward reality. There is no room for self-righteousness in the Kingdom of God. Jesus, came to save those who know they are inwardly depraved. There is nothing apart from the saving work of Jesus that can cleanse our inward reality. What authority does He have? They will see it come Friday—as He dies on the Cross. They will see it on Sunday—as He is resurrected victoriously.
God, remind us today that it is finished. There is no amount of work that can change the status of those in Christ before the throne.
Question to consider:
In what ways are you still striving to change your outward appearance to please man? Also, take some time to thank God for the work that He has done IN you.