
Luke 2:25-26

Luke’s description of Simeon is limited; yet, the account he gives us is significant. Simeon is introduced to us as he waits for the Messiah—the Lord’s Christ, the consolation of Israel. Like Israel, Simeon is waiting for the comfort of a Savior in the midst of suffering, brokenness, and disappointment. Despite his peoples’ circumstances and a long period of silence from the Lord, Simeon himself is not a stranger to God. Instead, he is a devout Jewish man who is noticeably influenced by the Holy Spirit.

Simeon’s waiting for the Lord stands out for two reasons. First, it has been revealed that he will physically see the Savior before he dies. He may be the first person to know that the Messiah will be alive during his lifetime! Secondly, we can learn from his response to waiting and the fulfillment of his waiting. Simeon waits expectantly, remaining devout in his worship during this period. Simeon’s response to seeing his Savior, who at the time is a baby of two poor newlyweds, is genuine praise that culminates in a blessing and a picture of the good news to come. While he sees only a glimpse of Jesus and the Savior Jesus will become, Simeon knows that this will indeed be salvation for all people. Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles and glory to the people of Israel.


Lord thank you for sending salvation to all people in our Savior Jesus. Help us to be loving and devout ambassadors while we wait for the full redemption in your coming kingdom.

Question to consider:

What is your response to seeing the fullness of salvation in Jesus as recorded in the New Testament? How does that compare to Simeon’s response to his glimpse of the Savior as a baby?

Doxa Church